Animal Kingdom

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Let's create animals that don't exist. Let us know your favorite hybrid animal by leaving a comment. In this video, we mix animals to create new animal species. Subscribe to Kiddopedia channel for animal hybrids →

The animal videos on our channel Kiddopedia get a lot of attention from our viewers. In this video, we would like to get creative and come up with imaginary animals that do not exist. We take two existing animals and create new animals by combining species with each other. The animal images are photoshopped to create a mixed animal. We also include a creative fictional name for our new hybrid animal.

Note: The source of the animal hybrid images is the "Hybrid Animals" Subreddit → . Please contact us in case of copyright issues. You can find the author of each animal here →

The original animal images are taking from Pixabay →

Kiddopedia channel is the right place to find educational videos about countries, flags, animals, objects and English vocabulary.

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Music from
"Silly Intro", "Lurking Sloth" by Alexander Nakarada (
"Comic Plodding", "Sneaky Snitch"", "Scheming Weasel Faster", "Mister Exposition", "Professor and the Plant", "Wholesome", "Plucky Daisy", "Friendly Day", "Fensters Explanation" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0

#animals #hybridanimals #newanimals

0 Views · 5 months ago

Ocean animals names and sounds. This learning video will teach your children the ocean animals in the ocean. Your kids can learn about ocean creatures and ocean animals with real life videos. Subscribe to Kiddopedia channel for more educational videos →

We know less about the oceans, which make up a large part of the Earth than we know about space. Gathering information about ocean creatures living in the ocean is very difficult. In this video, you will learn about sea creatures that have found their habitat in the ocean. In a world where 71 percent is covered by water, only 5% of the oceans have been discovered. The aquatic creatures you will see in this video live in ocean biomes in the world.

Let's learn together about these creatures living under the ocean and their names and sounds. Only real animal videos in HD quality are used for the preparation of this video. This will help your kids to learn about the sea animals in the ocean quickly.

Kiddopedia channel is the right place if you are looking for educational videos for babies & kids at preschool age. In this Kiddopedia video, your babies, toddlers, and first graders will learn the names and sounds of ocean animals.

Check out our website →

List of Ocean animals:
00:06 Sea Lion
00:16 Seal
00:26 Sea Otter
00:36 Blue Whale
00:46 Dolphin
00:56 Orca
01:06 Manta Ray
01:16 Giant Clam
01:26 Phytoplankton
01:35 Bull Shark
01:45 Giant Pacific Octopus
01:55 Japanese Spider Crab
02:05 Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
02:14 Whale Shark
02:24 Portuguese Man of War
02:34 Southern Elephant Seal
02:43 Fin Whale
02:52 Sea Horse
03:02 Sea Turtle
03:12 Eel Fish
03:22 Crab
03:31 Flatfish
03:41 Lobster
03:50 Sea Anemone
04:00 Starfish
04:10 Shovelnose Guitarfish
04:19 Giant Squid
04:28 Great White Shark
04:38 Giant Barrel Sponge
04:48 Cachalot
05:04 Polar Bear
05:13 Penguin
05:23 Seagull
05:33 Albatross
05:42 Pelican

0 Views · 5 months ago

Insects learning video for kids, toddlers, children, kindergarten and preschool. Let’s learn insect names and sounds. Subscribe to Kiddopedia channel for more videos →

The insects are the largest group of animals. They live all over the world. In fact, more than 75 percent of all animals are insects. Learning the names of insects is an important part of developing English vocabulary for preschool, kindergarten, as well as for all English learners.

You will hear that some people call all insects "bugs". However, this is not correct. Bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.
Most children are interested in animals and insects. Children learn names of insects and bugs birds at the kindergarten age by listening to insect sounds and seeing them with their own eyes. Insects are small creatures. Sometimes, it is really difficult to see and observe the details of an insect’s body in real life. This video fulfills this educational purpose perfectly by using close-up video footage of insects.

In our insects for kids video, you are going to learn about different insect species and listen to their sounds if they make one. In this video, real videos of insects and bugs with real sounds are presented to teach the names and sounds of insects. Beautiful insect videos in HD together with high-quality sounds is an excellent resource for all bird lovers for entertainment as well as for education.

List of insects in this video: butterfly, bee, ladybug, grasshopper, ant, caterpillar, fly, millipede, cricket, wasp, dragonfly, cockroach, worm, cicada, firefly, praying mantis, snail, damselfly, bumblebee, moth, mosquito, slug

#insects #bugs #insectsforkids

Watch more videos on Kiddopedia Channel:
Animal Sounds - 100 Animals →
Fruits for Kids →
Musical Instruments for Kids →
Breeds of Dogs →


1 Views · 5 months ago

ABC car brands for children and toddlers. Here is an educational video to learn the car brands from A to Z for kids, toddlers, and kindergarten. Subscribe to Kiddopedia channel for more educational videos →

Kiddopedia team brings you an educational video for toddlers at preschool or kindergarten to learn the alphabet with car brands. Watch our video until the end to learn ABC car brands from A to Z. In our video, we pronounce each letter together with the names of cars starting with that letter. We have added real photos of vehicles together with the car logo to make our video more attractive for toddlers. This will help your kids associate the letter with the car brands easier thanks to the combination of each letter with the image and the car brand pronunciation.

Learning the alphabet is very important in the early development of preschool and kindergarten children. Kids and toddlers learn the ABC letters visually at first. Therefore, educational videos where letters are represented in a fun way will make learning faster. Additionally, learning with objects such as cars or car brand logos is an excellent teaching concept which enables the kids to learn what they hear and see.

Check out our website →

Music Credits:
"Sneaky Snitch", "Thatched Villagers", "The Path of the Goblin King", "Scheming Weasel Slower", "The Builder"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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