Cute Tasmanian Devil Screaming and Growling Compilation 2017
What are Tasmanian Devils?
Where are Tasmanian Devils from?
The Tasmanian devil cannot be mistaken for any other marsupial. Its spine-chilling screeches, black colour, and reputed bad-temper, led the early European settlers to call it The Devil. Although only the size of a small dog, it can sound and look incredibly fierce.
Tasmanian Devils are the largest living carnivorous marsupial (Dasyurid) in Australia. They have sharp powerful claws and a backward facing pouch. Male devils have a head to body length of 652mm. Females are smaller, reaching only 570mm in length. Male Tasmanian Devils can weigh up to 12kg, and females up to 10kg. Each Devil has distinctive white markings on their chest, which is used like a fingerprint to identify individuals.
More than 5000 years ago, Tasmanian Devils were common on mainland Australia. Today, they are only found in Tasmania. They are however, found in virtually every type of habitat occurring in Tasmania, including suburban fringes. As Tasmanian Devils are shy, nocturnal creatures they are rarely seen in the wild.
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Original Videos:
Tasmanian Devil Biting:
2012 Tasmanian Devil Joeys:
Tug-of-war with a Tasmanian Devil:
Epic Cute Tasmanian Devil screaming like BRUCE LEE !!!:
Tasmanian Devil Young:
Tasmanian Devils scream at each other:
Tasmanian Devils eating a Wallaby:
Cute Playful Baby Tasmanian Devil:
Voice of Tassie Devil:
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