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😊 Ramadan Is Almost Here! 🌙 Zaky Song

1 Views· 17/10/24
2 Subscribers

'Ramadan Is Almost Here' is Zaky's latest Ramadan Song.
Written and produced by Subhi Alshaik

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There’s a nice warm feeling
People seem more cheery
Lots of smiling faces
And lots of preparations
Do you know why?
Yes I know
Can you feel it?
Yes I can

It’s the greatest month of the year
Ramadan is almost here
Time to fast and pray
And do lots of good deeds

The greatest month of the year
Ramadan is almost here
The moon is on its way
And we just cannot wait

Daddy’s on the mountain
Looking for the moon
Mother’s baking cookies
She’s is such a good mood

Everybody’s smiling
Everybody’s here
Waiting for the announcement
That Ramadan is here

There’s a nice warm feeling
People seem more cheery
Lots of smiling faces
And lots of preparations
Do you know why?
Yes I know
Can you feel it?
Yes I can

It’s the greatest month of the year
Ramadan is almost here
Time to fast and pray
And do lots of good deeds

The greatest month of the year
Ramadan is almost here
The moon is on its way
And we just cannot wait


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