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Shoe Rack Attack (EP1) - The Good Muslim

0 Viewsยท 17/10/24
2 Subscribers

In this first episode, Amin wants to do a good deed and put the shoes on the shoe rack ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘ž.

Unfortunately, in some Masjids, shoes are scattered on the floor instead of being placed in the shoe rack. In this first episode, Amin gets frustrated and puts the shoes on the shoe rack himself; however, it is not as easy as he thought because the shoes fight back ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘ž.

'The Good Muslim' is a new animation series that deals with everyday issues in the Muslim community, such as putting our shoes on the shoe rack, smelling bad in the masjid, struggling with the alarm clock at Fajr, cars blocking other cars at the mosques, etc. The series features Amin, who deals with these issues in a humorous and creative way.

Written and produced by Subhi Alshaik


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