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The Story Of Prophets Ibrahim & Yunus | Animated Full Movies

1 Views· 17/10/24
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Prophet Yunus (AS) was sent by Allah to guide the people of Nineveh, who were engaged in sinful behavior. Frustrated when his message went unheeded, he left the city without Allah's permission. On a sea journey, a great storm struck, and Yunus realized he had erred. He repented sincerely and was swallowed by a whale. Inside the whale's belly, he prayed for forgiveness. Allah accepted his repentance, and the whale cast him ashore unharmed. Yunus returned to Nineveh, where the people repented, and their city was spared from Allah's punishment. This story highlights the importance of patience, repentance, and Allah's boundless mercy.

The white male figure in this animation is not intended to be a depiction of Prophet Yunus (as). Rather it is being used as a way for viewers to follow and learn the story so that they can understand the life of Prophet Yunus (as).


Prophet Ibrahim is a revered figure in Islam. He was chosen by Allah for his unwavering faith and devotion. Ibrahim was born in a society that practised idol worship. However, even as a young boy, he questioned the legitimacy of these idols. Through his deep reflection and search for truth, he discovered the oneness of Allah, the one true God.

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The characters of Prophets Abraham, Ismail and Lut are not shown in this film. The shadows were only designed to make it easy for viewers to follow the story and in no way a depiction of the Prophets. This was done with the approval of many scholars.

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Written & Produced by Subhi Alshaik


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