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Ugly Duckling | Family Sing Along - Muffin Songs

0 Views· 25/09/24
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Ugly Duckling - http://www.muffinsongs.com (more songs)

I love to fool around all day
I'm the naughty one
ugly duckling is my middle name
I'm the ugly one
Didn't mean for that to happen
sorry for the mess
left the window open for the butterflies
but now our house is full of bugs
now they're biting us from everywhere
I am clumsy I am trouble
but remember I meant just good
I love you all so forgive me
that's just the way I am for now
ugly dukling was the pretty goose
that's how the story goes
I know someday when I grow up
I'll be quite the gentlemen

I love to fool around all day
I'm the naughty one
ugly duckling is my middle name
I'm the ugly one
Didn't mean for that to happen
sorry for the mess
drew a picture on a car that my father loves
but now I've painted all over
I thought I would do a better job
I am clumsy I am trouble
but remember I meant just good
I love you all so forgive me
that's just the way I am for now
ugly dukling was the pretty goose
that's how the story goes
I know someday when I grow up
I'll be quite the gentlemen


DOWNLOAD MP3 - 50 Best Kids' Songs, Vol. 1.

iTunes (Apple iphone/ipad/ipod)
US: http://itunes.apple.com/us/alb....um/muffin-songs-50-b
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CA: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/alb....um/muffin-songs-50-b

US: http://www.amazon.com/Muffin-S....ongs-Best-Kids-Vol/d
JP: http://www.amazon.co.jp/Muffin....-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol
UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Muffin....-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol
FR: http://www.amazon.fr/Muffin-So....ngs-Best-Kids-Vol/dp
DE: http://www.amazon.de/Happy-Bir....thday-You-Song/dp/B0

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