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Zaky Ramadan Nasheed - Knock Knock It's Ramadan with Muhammad Khodr

1 Views· 17/10/24
2 Subscribers

Knock Knock It's Ramadan

Written, arranged & produced by Subhi Alshaik
Performed by Muhammad Khodr
Backing Vocals by Iman Kurnia & Subhi Alshaik

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Ramadan is coming..... Marhaba (Welcome)

Knock Knock, who’s there?
It’s Ramadan
Welcome oh month of mercy
The month of mercy

Knock knock knock
Where have you been Ramadan?
We’ve waited for you such a long time

Ramadan…. we missed so
Ramadan…. where have you been?
Ramadan…. please do come in
Ramadan…. and stay for good

Ramadan…. everything’s so nice
Ramadan…. when you’re around
Ramadan…. we’ve waited long
Ramadan…. my Emaan is weak

Ramadan…. please help me to
Ramadan…. pray through the nights
Ramadan…. and fast the days
Ramadan…. to feed the poor

Knock Knock, Who’s there?
It’s Ramadan
Welcome oh month of mercy
You are the month of mercy

Knock knock knock
Where have you been Ramadan?
We’ve waited for you such a long time

Ramadan…. the time is here
Ramadan…. to really strive
Ramadan…. and be the best
Ramadan…. Muslim I can

Ramadan…. go to the mosque
Ramadan…. every single day
Ramadan…. and every night
Ramadan…. insha'Allah

Ramadan …. I’ll do my best
Ramadan…. to please Allah
Ramadan…. and read Quran
Ramadan…. as best I can

Knock knock look who’s here
Ramadan is here again
Ramadan our favourite month
Ramadan we missed you heaps

Knock knock look who’s here
The month that’s known as the mercy
The month that makes me so happy
Welcome oh month of Ramadan

Welcome oh Ramadan


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